Hopeful States Playbook

Intended to give countries an accessible and action-oriented resources to activate Hope in their own state.

The Hopeful States Playbook is based on the knowledge that Hope is a critical skill that positively impacts all aspects of life.

Hope is a known protective factor against anxiety and depression and has been linked to increased productivity, reduced crime, better social connection, and more. And, Hope Science has shown that Hope is a measurable, learnable, teachable skill.

In this Playbook, you’ll learn:

  • Why Hope is important for all of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • How Hopelessness is affecting your state
  • How Hope can empower States
  • Power of Branding, and Why we use Sunflower as the International Symbol for Hope
  • Eight Guiding Principles
  • Six Sectors for Activating Hope, with a list of both no cost and fee for interventions in each sector
  • Links to downloadable resources to start activating Hope in your state